Discover the intriguing mystery of "The Laughing Fox" by Frank Gruber. Immerse yourself in the vintage 1972 paperback edition and delve into the captivating world of crime and investigation with private investigator Johnny Fletcher. Follow him as he unravels the enigmatic case surrounding the laughing fox and the intricate web of clues that may lead to the solution.
This English language book, published by Fox, is a must-read for mystery enthusiasts. Get your hands on this intriguing novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end. Add it to your collection now!
Discover the intriguing mystery of "The Laughing Fox" by Frank Gruber. Immerse yourself in the vintage 1972 paperback edition and delve into the captivating world of crime and investigation with private investigator Johnny Fletcher. Follow him as he unravels the enigmatic case surrounding the laughing fox and the intricate web of clues that may lead to the solution.
This English language book, published by Fox, is a must-read for mystery enthusiasts. Get your hands on this intriguing novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end. Add it to your collection now!
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