Step into a world of wonder with "The Last Rainbow" by Parke Godwin. This novel, part of the historical fiction genre, takes place in the United States and features an intriguing tale of fantasy and general themes. The book was published by HarperCollins in 1995 and is a mass market format, with 480 pages of adventure and excitement.
The book's aspects include the original English language, a length of 7.1 inches, and a width of 4.3 inches. It weighs 8 ounces and has a topic of fantasy/general. With the author's captivating writing style, readers will be transported to a whole new world.
Step into a world of wonder with "The Last Rainbow" by Parke Godwin. This novel, part of the historical fiction genre, takes place in the United States and features an intriguing tale of fantasy and general themes. The book was published by HarperCollins in 1995 and is a mass market format, with 480 pages of adventure and excitement.
The book's aspects include the original English language, a length of 7.1 inches, and a width of 4.3 inches. It weighs 8 ounces and has a topic of fantasy/general. With the author's captivating writing style, readers will be transported to a whole new world.
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