This hardcover book by Townsend Hoopes, titled "The Devil and John Foster Dulles," was published by Little, Brown & Company in 1973. It tells the story of John Foster Dulles, his life and political career, and his impact on international relations and politics. The book is a novel and has 562 pages in total.
It should be noted that this book is marked as an ex-library copy and comes with special attributes. The original language of this book is English and it falls under the categories of Biography & Autobiography and Political Science. The book is available in hardcover format and is a must-read for anyone interested in international relations and politics.
This hardcover book by Townsend Hoopes, titled "The Devil and John Foster Dulles," was published by Little, Brown & Company in 1973. It tells the story of John Foster Dulles, his life and political career, and his impact on international relations and politics. The book is a novel and has 562 pages in total.
It should be noted that this book is marked as an ex-library copy and comes with special attributes. The original language of this book is English and it falls under the categories of Biography & Autobiography and Political Science. The book is available in hardcover format and is a must-read for anyone interested in international relations and politics.
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