This captivating book, Original Sins, written by the renowned author Lisa Alther, is a must-have for any book lover. With a publication year of 1981, this paperback is a timeless piece that takes its readers on a journey through history, mystery, and contemporary life. The book is written in English and is published by Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
The novel delves into the topic of fasting, and its plot is intriguing and contains elements of the modern and contemporary era. The book's genre is a blend of modern & contemporary, mystery, and history. It's perfect for anyone who loves a good read. Get your hands on this masterpiece today!
This captivating book, Original Sins, written by the renowned author Lisa Alther, is a must-have for any book lover. With a publication year of 1981, this paperback is a timeless piece that takes its readers on a journey through history, mystery, and contemporary life. The book is written in English and is published by Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
The novel delves into the topic of fasting, and its plot is intriguing and contains elements of the modern and contemporary era. The book's genre is a blend of modern & contemporary, mystery, and history. It's perfect for anyone who loves a good read. Get your hands on this masterpiece today!
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