Immerse yourself in the magical world of Descendants with this captivating novel series written by Melissa De La Cruz. The adventure-packed storyline follows the lives of young adults and teenagers in the fantasy world of Disney. The first edition hardcover set includes books 1-4 of the series, featuring a dust jacket, illustrations, and an unabridged narrative that is perfect for young adults and children ages 9-12.
With a focus on action, adventure, and fantasy, Descendants: Isle of the Lost is an enthralling read for Disney fans of all ages. This novel series, published by Disney Press in 2015, is a must-have addition to any book collection. Don't miss out on the chance to explore the enchanting world of Descendants!
Immerse yourself in the magical world of Descendants with this captivating novel series written by Melissa De La Cruz. The adventure-packed storyline follows the lives of young adults and teenagers in the fantasy world of Disney. The first edition hardcover set includes books 1-4 of the series, featuring a dust jacket, illustrations, and an unabridged narrative that is perfect for young adults and children ages 9-12.
With a focus on action, adventure, and fantasy, Descendants: Isle of the Lost is an enthralling read for Disney fans of all ages. This novel series, published by Disney Press in 2015, is a must-have addition to any book collection. Don't miss out on the chance to explore the enchanting world of Descendants!
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